
Dog In PhysioPhysiotherapy

At Dogwood Referrals our ACPAT-registered Veterinary Physiotherapists are a specialist group of professionals who first become qualified and experienced in the human field of physiotherapy before undertaking further training and transferring their skills to animals. This extended training enables them to offer the highest levels of expertise to animal patients. 

Physiotherapy is all about boosting quality of life. Using different manual treatments and movements, the purpose is to restore and maintain mobility, function, independence and performance. From the management of joint or spinal problems to rehabilitation from lameness, fractures and chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis, physiotherapy is an essential addition to medical and surgical treatment. 

Physiotherapy can help a wide variety of dogs and cats, including for example: 

  • Improving mobility and reducing discomfort in animals with long-term joint disorders 
  • Speeding recovery following surgery and other traumatic events (rehabilitation) 
  • Preparing animals for surgical procedures (prehabilitation) 
  • Maintaining muscle mass and joint mobility in recumbent patients 
  • Maintaining and improving performance in working dogs and athletes 

We have multiple physiotherapy specific treatment rooms, equipped with a variety of equipment. As well as physical assessments and exercises, our service provides advice on lifestyle, activity and exercise, both for prevention of problems and to rehabilitate existing ones. 

Dog Having HydrotherapyHydrotherapy

Dogwood Referrals have an underwater treadmill to compliment the physiotherapy equipment and ensure the best possible rehabilitation for our patients.

Hydrotherapy is particularly beneficial for patients who are limited with land-based exercise. Performing exercise in water provides patients with buoyancy and support increasing their mobility.

Our underwater treadmill has an extra-long platform so even the tallest and biggest dogs will benefit.