Leading on-site imaging and diagnostic scanning
When your pet is unwell, we can’t always immediately determine what the issue is. That’s where advanced imaging comes in. These imaging services let us take a deeper look into what’s going on, so we can quickly find the source of the problem and find a way to treat it.
We’re veterinary diagnostic imaging specialists, ready to take on all manner of cases as soon as they’re required. With some of the most advanced facilities in the country and the whole of Europe, we can offer swift and accurate diagnoses for a wide range of conditions, and follow up with the appropriate treatment.
MRI scanning
Find out moreOur 1.5tesla MRI scanner is one of only a handful in the country. Using strong magnetic fields, it helps us build an incredibly high-quality image of the affected area.
CT Scanning
Find out moreWe’re home to an advanced CT scanner, which lets us examine parts of the body that wouldn’t normally be accessible, such as the lungs, ears and abdomen.
Find out moreUltrasounds can be used to help diagnose conditions affecting the heart, kidneys, liver or any other major internal organs.
Ectopic ureter
Find out moreUreters are the tubes that run from the kidneys to the bladder, so are a key part of the urinary tract. They’re ectopic when they don’t connect to the bladder in the right way which causes incontinence.
How other owners feel about us
We would like to thank Don and the rest of the Dogwood team for everything they have done for Casper. He is making an excellent recovery after his spinal surgery and is certainly getting back to his normal self again. Thank you!
Judith Storey and her 1 year old Shih Tzu Casper
I couldn’t be happier with the treatment Luna received from Don and the team. She had excellent care during her few days there and I think she enjoyed all the fuss – and now she’s home we can’t keep her still!
Marissa Lowe and her 2 year old cat Luna
Common conditions that require advanced imaging: