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Teddy's Troublesome Knee

Tom Cox

Teddy's Troublesome Knee

Dogwood’s Case Digest Cranial cruciate ligament disease is a common issue in dogs Large and small dogs benefit most from a surgery called TPLO Outcomes after TPLO are good to excellent in the vast majority of dogs Rehabilitation is important in the recovery phase following surgery for cranial cruciate ligament disease Meet Teddy! A handsome,…Read more

Teddy's Troublesome Knee

Marv's Marvellous Recovery

Tom Cox

Marv's fractured leg

Dogwood’s Case Digest Fractures of the fore-limb are common in toy-breed dogs Fractures of the fore-limb in toy-breeds are not suitable to bandaging or casting Surgery can be tricky due to small bones and issues with healing Prognosis is excellent Meet the adorable Marv! Marv snuggling up to our nurse Jenny Marv was spending time…Read more

Marv's fractured leg

Ted's Tricky Fissure

Tom Cox

Ted at Dogwood Referrals

Dogwood’s Case Digest: Humeral Intracondylar Fissure (HIF) is a stress fracture in the elbow HIF is common in Springer Spaniels and Cocker Spaniels HIF can lead to elbow pain and severe elbow fractures Surgery most commonly involves placing a large screw across the fissure Patient-specific guides help accuracy of surgery Long-term prognosis is excellent When Ted was…Read more

Ted at Dogwood Referrals

Lola's Long Back Causes Issues

Tom Cox

Dogwood’s Case Digest Spinal issues like slipped discs are common in dogs with long backs and short legs An MRI scan is the best way to identify and understand the issue Surgery involves removing the disc material Prognosis is associated with severity of clinical signs beforehand Physiotherapy and hydrotherapy are crucial for the rehabilitation of…Read more

Welcome - new branch partner Tom Cox

Dr Tom Cox at Dogwood Referrals

Dogwood Referrals are delighted to welcome to the team our new specialist Branch Partner, Dr Tom Cox. Dr Tom Cox was previously Head of Orthopaedics at the University of Liverpool and is a European and RCVS Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Surgery who will lead the Dogwood Referrals team from November…Read more

Dr Tom Cox at Dogwood Referrals

How to Clean a Dog Wound

Due to dogs needing a lot of daily exercise, you’re likely to be spending lots of time playing with your faithful canine but this increases the risk of your dog injuring itself.  When this happens, dog owners often panic and feel they need to contact their vets immediately. However, in some…Read more

How to tell if a dog is in pain

As a pet owner, it can be difficult to tell when your dog is in pain. More often than not, our dogs suffer in silence as they cannot speak to us, making it even harder to understand what they are dealing with. And, while there are some clear signs such…Read more

Can you give dogs paracetamol?

Giving pet dogs human painkillers is a very tempting thing to do if your pooch is in pain. We strongly advise not to and this guide will tell you why. What is paracetamol? Paracetamol is a common painkiller with an active ingredient – acetaminophen – that works to ease aches and pains…Read more

Caring for a dog with a chronic illness

It’s no secret that caring for a chronically ill dog is not easy, and requires a lot of time, effort and patience. While it’s not uncommon for your dog to develop longstanding or chronic conditions during the course of their lives, for many pet owners, seeing a pet in distress…Read more